Elite Premium V8.6 Flight Training Software

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Part# 13-07341
MFR Model# XTS


ELITE ver­sion 8.6 is the most recent edi­tion of our fam­ily of professional-grade flight sim­u­la­tion soft­ware, allow­ing pilots of all lev­els of expe­ri­ence to exer­cise their fly­ing skills using the power of the per­sonal com­puter for over two decades. With flight dynam­ics and air­craft func­tion­al­ity crafted to the high­est fidelity, own­ers of the ELITE soft­ware can do any­thing from com­plete startup and shut­down pro­ce­dures, fly dif­fer­ent pat­terns or approaches, prac­tice with nor­mal or abnor­mal sit­u­a­tions, or main­tain pro­fi­ciency, in a com­pletely con­trol­lable vir­tual envi­ron­ment with new 2011 nav­i­ga­tional data.

Garmin GNS 430
**ELITE GNS 430 WAAS Con­trol Mod­ule Required to Oper­ate GNS 430 WAAS on screen dis­play**
Devel­oped in con­junc­tion with Real­i­tyXP, our in-depth GNS 430 WAAS sim­u­la­tion emu­lates all of the real-life func­tions of the GNS 430 when used with our ELITE 430 mod­ule. Now you to learn, prac­tice and brush up your GNS 430 skills in your own home or office with­out those tir­ing videos or bor­ing train­ing books, and you don’t have to pull your air­plane out of the hangar; thus sav­ing fuel, time and money. Ver­sion 8.6 includes a brand new 2011 data cycle, ensur­ing your abil­ity to fly all of the newest WAAS approaches.

Bendix/King Sil­ver Crown Plus™ Avion­ics
This highly pop­u­lar Bendix/King radio stack offers the lat­est in con­ve­nience and advanced fea­tures. The NAV/COMs alone have inte­grated elapsed timers, CDI/OBS, and the abil­ity to store a myr­iad of fre­quen­cies! The Sil­ver Crown Plus™ is a new stack for a new generation.

Enhanced INOP Instru­ment Pre­sen­ta­tion
Par­tial panel work has never been more real­is­tic! The Instru­ment INOP fea­ture allows you to place a vir­tual instru­ment cover on a selected instru­ment or instru­ments. The cov­ers are sim­i­lar in appear­ance to the famil­iar rub­ber suc­tion cup cov­ers used for par­tial panel prac­tice in tra­di­tional instru­ment train­ing. The cov­ers can be used inde­pen­dent of, or in con­junc­tion with, spe­cific mal­func­tions as desired.

McDon­nell Dou­glas MD-81
ELITE was the first to intro­duce a pro­fes­sional PC-based air­liner class sim­u­la­tion soft­ware. Greatly refined since its orig­i­nal devel­op­ment, one of the most widely-used fam­i­lies of jet air­craft, the MD-80, is now part of the main­stream ELITE fleet.


  • Fully func­tional GNS 430 WAAS sim­u­la­tion with 2011 data cycle (430 con­trol mod­ule required)
  • Includes the most cur­rent US and Canada nav­i­ga­tional data­base of any sim­u­la­tion soft­ware
  • Includes US Gen­View™ Visual Data­base (addons avail­able for Europe and Central/South Amer­ica)
  • Adjustable view instru­ment panel
  • Down­load­able METAR reports and real-time weather
  • High-resolution, accu­rately detailed instru­ment pan­els
  • Advanced Dynamic Weather Mod­el­ing
  • Trim­ble 2000 Approach Plus GPS
  • Apollo GX Series GPS
  • Inter­na­tional GPS data­base
  • Mov­ing Map dis­play
  • Fully mod­i­fi­able NAV Data
  • Hot Plates approach chart viewer
  • Multi-instructor mon­i­tor capa­bil­ity
  • Bendix/King Sil­ver Crown and Sil­ver Crown Plus Avion­ics
  • INOP instru­ment cov­ers and malfunction/failure repli­ca­tion
  • FAA flight infor­ma­tion pub­li­ca­tions
  • Pre­mium also fea­tures:
  • Switch­able ADF/RMI and DG/HSI
  • Bendix/King EFS-40 EHSI and EADI


  • Beech Bonanza A36
  • Beech Baron 58
  • Cessna 172R
  • Cessna 182S
  • Cessna 182RG
  • Mooney M20J
  • Piper Archer III
  • Piper Arrow IV
  • Piper Seneca III
  • Socata TB10
  • Socata TB20
  • King Air B200 (King Air Quad­rant Required)
  • McDon­nell Dou­glas MD-81

Computer Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or 7, (32 or 64 bit)
  • Dual-layer supported DVD disc drive for installation
  • 1.0 GHz (or faster) Intel or AMD Processor
  • 3 GB of RAM
  • 5 GB of available hard disk space
  • 128 MB or better NVIDIA-brand OpenGL accelerated graphics card (Two Port Video Card for Multiple monitors option--Instrument Panel monitor & Instructor station monitor)
  • At least one free USB port for connecting USB hardware; a USB hub may be required to connect multiple USB devices



Please note, Aircraft Spruce's personnel are not certified aircraft mechanics and can only provide general support and ideas, which should not be relied upon or implemented in lieu of consulting an A&P or other qualified technician. Aircraft Spruce assumes no responsibility or liability for any issue or problem which may arise from any repair, modification or other work done from this knowledge base. Any product eligibility information provided here is based on general application guides and we recommend always referring to your specific aircraft parts manual, the parts manufacturer or consulting with a qualified mechanic.

Q: Is this software compatible with Windows 10?

No,the Elite premium V8.6 is only compatible with XP, Vista, or Windows 7.

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